Mental Health Issues are common – Wake up; don’t suffer in Silence

Mental Health Issues are common – Wake up; don’t suffer in Silence

Ragini Rao

Psychotherapist, Trainer & Life Coach; Heal your Life Workshop Leader


Mental health is an individual’s ability to cope with normal day to day stresses while managing work; and while taking care of themselves and their families. Common mental health disorders are Anxiety and Mood disorders. Others include Personality disorders, Depression, Manic Depressive; right up to the extreme case of Suicide ideation, resulting from any of the disorders.

Over 150 million people in India are estimated to be affected by this at some level or the other; and a large number of them in urban areas and working in private sector organisations.

Mental Health issues – Common at Workplaces

Having a mental health problem is common; not addressing it is equally common. The impact is on our lives; in terms of our personal happiness and the effect on our relationships in personal lives and at workplaces.

The solution lies in opening our minds to recognise the situation. The following are some steps one could take

  1. Become aware at an early stage, when one has symptoms such as frequent mood swings, irritation with situations, bouts of anxiety, which occur repeatedly.
  2. Identify what causes these issues and take necessary actions to move away from such causes.
  3. Taking help is important and crucial. Help could start with talking to someone trustworthy in confidence and discussing the issues.
  4. For professional help, Counsellors and Therapists are now a large community in India and present in most cities.
  5. Online help is also available now; and expanding rapidly.
  6. Self Care practices, such as – taking breaks and spending time with close family & friends, taking time out to reflect within, attending workshops on self discovery and healing, practicing Centering, Grounding and Meditation exercises.

A Conversation with Vaahini Connect – for Accenture’s Employee Support Program

Here’s a conversation I had with Meenu Shekar at Vaahini Connect, for the Diversity and Inclusion program at Accenture India; on the subject of Mental Health at Workplaces.

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I spoke about the typical issues that come up in organisations which impact employees’ Mental health; and what the affected individual, the colleagues and the organisation could do to manage the situation well.

Living a life of peace and happiness is everyone’s birthright. But each person has to recognize this need and work to make it a reality.

InfinumGrowth offers Counselling and Psychotherapy services to help improve mental health. Click here to know more.
Ragini Rao, Co-Founder, infinumGrowth has facilitated the below self learning video program on mental health management. Check it out.
Stress Management – Managing Mind, Body and Emotions,  hosted at our Online Learning platform,

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