Sonal Kothari

Independent Professional Trainer & Coach

Sonal Kothari is trained as a Molecular Biologist with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Delhi University and was enrolled as a Ph.D. research scholar at University of Oxford, UK. Close to completion of her thesis, her inner calling to work with children found her abandoning her studies against all common wisdom.

She returned to India with her family after living in the US, Japan and England for a long period.Working with children for over 15 years in Japan and USA, she realised that parents needed proven tools and training in respectful communication techniques in order to meet their needs and the needs of their child(ren). Sonal then undertook training as a P.E.T. instructor with Gordon Training International, U.S.A.

Sonal is passionate about healing and strengthening the parent child bond and takes every opportunity to upgrade her skills and keep abreast of latest research.

She is currently training as a psychotherapist in the Transactional Analysis Framework of Eric Berne. She believes that T.A. as a tool should be taught as part of every school curriculums – so relevant is it to human inter and interpersonal interactions. She has a practice in psychotherapy and facilitates P.E.T. workshops.


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