Ritika Bajaj

Creative Expression and Wellness Expert

Ritika Bajaj is a Content Creator and Consultant. She works with individuals, startups and established businesses with their digital and print content. This includes ideation, research, writing, editing and proofing of all content.

Ritika also runs a blogging platform Pink Pinjra, which was conceptualised as a platform for expression ; and how people transcend their pain or limitation through their chosen medium of expression; and thereby experience joy. On this publication, Ritika shares her various experiences of life, invites writers to contribute their stories, as well as, interviews people who have experienced transformation through expression.

Ritika has been a writer for over 17 years, writing and editing for different formats and across sectors. She started blogging ten years ago and has since touched the lives of many, through her blogs on life, spirituality, expression, motivation, productivity, entrepreneurship and leadership. To read more of her work, follow her on www.medium.com/@ritikabajaj


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