Chitra Ravi

Teaching & Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA)

Chitra Ravi is an internationally accredited Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA) in the field of Psychotherapy.She has a Masters Degree in Psychology and has been practising Psychotherapy for over two decades.She is the founder of SeedTLC, through which she facilitates TA 101s (a foundation 2day workshop on TA) and provides advanced TA training & psychotherapy supervision.Chitra has over 25 years of Corporate experience and has led an HR advisory business, working in the role of Head of HR & Training, with many Organisations.She brings with her a unique experience, which combines working in the Organisational and the Psychotherapy contexts.She currently uses her TA expertise in transformational and development work, with individuals and groups; and with corporates. She also facilitates Leadership Training & Executive Coaching initiatives for Corporates.  





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