Take a break – Discover yourself through Transactional Analysis

Take a break – Discover yourself through Transactional Analysis

Ragini Rao

Psychotherapist, Trainer & Life Coach; Heal your Life Workshop Leader


The film, Take a Break – Discover yourself, identifies the typical problem faced by professionals in today’s world. It introduces Transactional Analysis  to emphasise the importance of self awareness  in leading stress free lives. (3mins)

How often have you asked the question

  •  ‘Who am I’?
  • Why do I behave the way I do?
  • What are my strengths and limitations?
  • What makes me successful at one time and fail at other times?
  • Why are some of my relationships good while some others just don’t work?

To understand the above questions one needs to have an understanding of human personality and behaviour.

Psychological theories provide a framework to do that.

Transactional Analysis, is one such theory which provides a simple yet profound framework to understand human behaviour.

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The originator of Transactional analysis, Dr. Eric Berne believed that people can change and solve their problems through the understanding of their own personalities and bringing awareness to their patterns of behaviours.

A two-day introductory program in Transactional Analysis (TA) introduces one to the basic concepts of this theory which can be readily applied to oneself from the moment we are exposed to it.

Thousands of people participate in such programs across the world every month and are benefiting from the self discovery and self awareness that they achieve. They are able to understand themselves and improve their relationships at work or in personal life, eventually leading to more satisfactory and fulfilling lives.

To participate in such a program, write to us at contact@infinumgrowth.com

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